Archivio annuale: 2023
Third day in Navàs
01/02/23 The Greenopoli method Time, patience, passion and skills, Think and re-think always pays the bills PLAN, DO, CHECK and ACT, Learning from mistakes is how you can react! ____ 08:00 Sustainability workshop. BAT1. (17 year-olds). 1 hour session. A21…
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Second day in Navàs
10:00 School welcome – Main Entrance 11:25 Environment workshop: ESOC (16 year-old), 1 hour session, A7 12:35 Water scarcity workshop, 3ESO (15 year-old), 2 hours 18:15 Energetic sustainability workshop: Vocational studies. (18 and 19 year-old). Open to the public. 2…
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First day in Navàs
Before leaving from Naples for Barcelona at 10:05 o’clock in the morning of 30th February. Here I am in the internal hall of the Escola Diocesana de Navàs, a meeting point for students and teachers, where there are a couple…
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From 30th January to 3rd February Greenopoli on stage in Spain
Giovedì 26 gennaio 2023 a partire dalle ore 17.00, a Salerno, presso il Salone Bottiglieri del Palazzo della Provincia, si è tenuta la Cerimonia di Premiazione della Seconda Edizione del Concorso Nazionale di Racconto breve e poesia “Siamo uguali nella…
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Convegno – SVILUPPO SOSTENIBILE ED ECONOMIA CIRCOLARE Quali pratiche mettere in campo per favorire nuovi posti di lavoro ed un nuovo progresso economico e sociale 20 gennaio, BENEVENTO Convegno organizzato dalla sede di Benevento del Caf – Patronato ZeroCarta e…
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